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Junior Auxiliary Frequently Asked Questions





What are the dues for a Provisional Member?  Do the dues increase once you become an Active Member?   

$75 for Provisional Members.  The dues are still $75 per member once you become an Active Member.




How do I go about joining Junior Auxiliary?

If interested in joining Junior Auxiliary, your name will be submitted on admissions forms to the Membership Chairperson, who submits the names to the Membership Committee. Candidates for membership shall be approved by the committee and shall be presented to the Chapter in the April meeting vote.


How old do you have to be to be able to join Junior Auxiliary?

A woman who is at least twenty-one years of age, and who has been a resident of Greene County for one year, may be considered eligible for membership.


Must a member become Associate at the end of her 5 years of Active service? 

NAJA Handbook, Article III, B.,1 ,c. states that one becomes an Associate after serving a MINIMUM of five years and DESIRES to change membership classification.  Many Chapters have members that want to serve longer and many Chapters need some of their Actives to serve longer than the minimum. Also, some Chapters have a class of membership known as Associate/Active with requirements at the Chapters discretion.


How do I apply for a Leave of Absence?

Send the request to your Chapter Board stating the reason and the length of leave requested.  Leave of absences are granted by the Board.


How long can a member be granted a leave of absence? 

A Chapter should make this determination in their policies and the length is usually anywhere from one to twelve   months.  However, if there is not a set policy, then the Board can vote on the leave and the length of the leave.  If more than one year is needed, then the leave could be extended, but this should be used only in rare cases.




What is the difference between Service, Administrative, and Education hours?

Good rule of thumb: If you are serving or teaching others, it’s SERVICE; if you are learning something, it’s EDUCATION; and if you are helping to run the Chapter, it’s ADMINISTRATION. 


If a member fails to get her required service hours, what should the Chapter do? 

Failure to meet any NAJA or Chapter requirement for Active membership would mean that a member loses that year.  Of course, there can always be extenuating circumstances and the Board can vote to allow the member credit for the year based on those circumstances and based on past performance of the member. However, a Board should use precaution in setting aside requirements for one, as this can set a precedent. 




Who decides how to spend the money we raise in our finance projects?

A budget for the year is recommended by the Finance Committee to the Board and then the budget is brought before the Chapter for approval.  Service project chairman and other committee chairman submit requests to the Finance Committee to be considered when setting the budget for the coming year.



We need some new projects.  What should we do?

Projects are started because a Chapter determines that there is a need in their community that is not being met. Sometimes the needs are apparent, but sometimes a Chapter must search their community for unmet needs (community survey).  Ideas for projects to meet these needs can be found in the NAJA Resource Center and from talking with other Chapters who appear from the Bulletin to have working projects meeting similar needs.




Can a member be penalized for not doing her job?

A Chapter would have to have the penalties stated in their policies or documented prior to the duty.  A Chapter can have their members sign Membership Commitment forms (example located in the President’s Notebook and the   Provisional Training Manual).  The commitment form would state what is required of a member and the penalty for failure to comply with a requirement.

Can my Chapter require me to sell things for our finance project?

If the Chapter votes to make it a requirement, then it is a requirement for all members.  Some Chapters let the Board or Finance Committee make such decisions, but a Chapter decision is better if a controversial issue.



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